Opportunities noted by Clinicians

People closest to the work know best how to improve it!

Clinicians (doctors, nurses, and other clinical professionals) are the main caregivers and are closest to patients and their families in their care. Because of this, clinicians have the advantage to identify opportunities for patients,
their families, and for clinicians themselves.

Care Experience

Life Sciences




Electronic Medical Records

Population Health

Emerging Technologies

Virtual Health

How the Opportunity Form Works

Did you notice an opportunity?

As a clinician, did you notice something in today’s healthcare that you believe can be improved for a better healthcare future for patients, families, healthcare providers and colleagues, and the community?


Let us know how you would like to create a better healthcare system of the future by joining our discussion forum or by submitting the area of opportunity.

Provide Insight

Connections in our network are either working on similar opportunities and would love to get your insight, or would love to understand the problem from your perspective to develop a potential solution.


You can also submit the area of opportunity and the problem so that we can connect you with other clinicians and entrepreneurs in our network.

Information submitted is yours and kept confidential. Please contact us with any questions.

Opportunity in Healthcare Trends

Areas of opportunity discussed and submitted to StethoSource



Virtual Health


Emerging Technologies


Provider Experience




**Please do not enter any patient identifying information**